Logistics Company meets a Digital Marketing Agency

As a digital agency, we keep on hearing complex issues but we always try to come up with an innovative and cost effective digital solution. Couple of months ago, a logistics company from Canada had a similar problem. Despite trying all conventional methods, the company had trouble 
finding licensed long-haul truck drivers. 

Western countries, including Canada, are experiencing truck drivers’ shortage which is causing a major crisis in transportation industry. According to president of the Southern Alberta Truck Exposition Association, the American Trucking Associations were estimating shortage of up to 200,000 drivers in North America by 2020. Whereas, according to a report by the Canadian Trucking Alliance “The gap between the supply of drivers and the demand for them could soar as high as 33,000 by 2020.” This looming crisis of truck driver shortage can drastically affect society, since it can pass on to consumer leading to fuel shortages or to no food.

Anyway, coming back to our case study, the logistics company we worked for was located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and had the same demand i.e. qualified truck drivers for USA runs! So as a digital agency, how can Ceros Tech help them? What can we do to get it done for them? As we are located in Lahore, Pakistan. Well, here comes the power of digital marketing and good design.
Our team sat together and devised the strategies as in how to go about it. The objective was clear, a specific number of qualified drivers in 2 months.

Although the trucking industry is trying its best to attract new drivers by offering salaries even up to $70,000 a year but old lot is near retirement age whereas, the younger generation doesn’t find this lifestyle attractive. But, the profession is still attractive for people from developing countries so we kept this in mind throughout the campaign.

We started off with some tweaks to the logistics company’s existing website by making a landing page. Adverts were designed and ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, and as well as on some job portals were launched, targeting drivers in particular locations. As the days progressed, we started to achieve amazing results. In the midst of these campaigns, we also managed their Facebook page while changing the overall look of the page and giving it a brand identity, which was missing earlier. A theme was created and followed all along on every platform. We created the content, posted it and managed the boostings too.

For the ads campaign, our team spent a lot of time monitoring its effectiveness. From the beginning we were open to client's suggestions and if we felt it can be beneficial in obtaining the objective then we used to implement it.

Anyways, cutting long story short, we were able to gather whooping ten times more resumes than our objective from different platforms and 95 percent were relevant as we adopted laser targeting from the start.

Normal approach would have been to find a recruitment company but in this case, it was not effective so here a creative digital agency stepped up, took the task and got it done in style. Not only the objective was achieved but company's brand awareness reached new heights, which would help it in many ways. Plus, a modern look was given to its digital presence. Most amazing part was that all being managed and done from another continent. Isn't it awesome?!

So, this is how a digital agency helped a logistics company from another continent, to survive in a looming crisis by leveraging the power of digital marketing, a killer strategy and an interactive design. The world indeed is a global village now!

Written by CerosTech's Content Team. A digital marketing agency in Lahore, Pakistan


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